
Changing Minds: HIV/AIDS in the Sporting World

World AIDS Museum Art Exhibition

Submission Deadline is March 19, 2024

Sports Collage

The World AIDS Museum is thrilled to announce an upcoming 2024 art exhibition that delves into the powerful intersection of sports and the HIV epidemic. This call to artists is an invitation to visionary creators to contribute artworks that capture the diverse experiences, challenges, and triumphs of individuals within the sports community affected by HIV. Through this exhibition, we aim to shatter stigma, raise awareness, and foster open conversations about HIV within the dynamic realm of sports.

Key Themes for Artworks



Representation of Athletes Living with HIV:

Artists are encouraged to depict the lives, stories, and experiences of athletes who have bravely navigated their journey with HIV. The goal is to showcase the resilience and strength of these individuals while challenging preconceived notions.



Portrayal of the Role of Sports in HIV Awareness:

Explore how sports can be a powerful platform for HIV awareness. Artworks should reflect on the impact of sports in educating communities, breaking stereotypes, and promoting understanding about HIV.



Reflection on Challenges and Triumphs within the Sports Community Affected by HIV:

Dive into the nuanced narratives of challenges faced by the sports community dealing with HIV. From overcoming societal barriers to achieving personal triumphs, artists are encouraged to present a multifaceted view.


Celebration of Resilience, Strength, and Advocacy:

Showcase the spirit of resilience, strength, and advocacy within the sports community affected by HIV. Celebrate the individuals and organizations making a difference, advocating for inclusivity, and challenging discrimination.


Explore the Intersection of Sports and HIV Awareness:

Artists are invited to creatively explore the interconnectedness of sports and HIV awareness. How do sports provide a platform for dialogue, understanding, and positive change? Let your imagination guide you in expressing this intersection.


Feature Both Historical and Contemporary Perspectives:

The exhibition seeks to bridge the gap between history and the present. Artists can contribute artworks that touch upon historical milestones and contemporary stories, creating a comprehensive narrative of the sports and HIV landscape.

Submission Guidelines



🔴  Open to artists of all backgrounds and experiences. 


🔴  Accepting the following mediums: painting, photography, digital art, and mixed media. No sculptures.


🔴  Submissions should be accompanied by a brief artist statement explaining the inspiration behind the artwork and its connection to the exhibition's themes


Submission Deadline: March 19, 2024



How to Submit:


🔴  Send high-resolution images of your artwork along with the artist statement to info@worldaidsmuseum.org or use the form on this page.


🔴  Include "WAM HIV and Sports Exhibition Submission" in the subject line.



Selection Criteria:


🔴  Alignment with the key themes outlined above.


🔴  Artistic merit and creativity.


🔴  Contribution to the overarching goal of breaking down stigma and raising awareness.



The World AIDS Museum looks forward to receiving your innovative contributions to this significant exhibition. Together, let's use the power of art to inspire change, challenge perceptions, and contribute to the global conversation on HIV and sports.

HIV and Sports Exhibition FAQs

What is the World AIDS Museum Exhibition Call to Artists about?

Who can participate in the Call to Artists?

What are the key themes for the artworks?

What types of artwork are accepted?

How do I submit my artwork?

What is the submission deadline?

Is there a specific format for the artist statement?

Will there be any promotional materials available for artists to share?

Can I share my submission on social media?

When will the selected artworks be announced?